The Best Android Auto Hacks For 2020 - Geek Initus : Blog

The Best Android Auto Hacks For 2020

While Android Auto is optimized for in-car use, it has certain limitations keeping it from the full Android experience. Since an Android Auto head unit contains all the hardware on a typical smartphone, you are able to sideload, basically, any of those features –

This brings us into the world of hacks for Android Auto in 2020. There are tons of ways to sideload APKs and unlock new features on your device. It’s all fairly simple to do, as this is an Android system and will run most Android apps without a problem.

XDA-Developers have a forum dedicated to discussing Android Auto and a community of people who create hacks, mods, and apps. These are the best places to learn about all the different hacks for Android Auto and follow different developer’s projects.

MTCFlatRadio – Modified MTC Radio App

This thread by XDA user pathfinder78 has a modified version of the MTC Radio App found on many Android Auto units. Check it out to see all the new improvements made to the app.

Xposed Volume Bar mod by 7floor

This thread by XDA user 7floor shows a mod that allows you to have a much better volume slider at the bottom of your display. This is done through an Xposed module which makes it easy to install and use.

MTC-Keys Button remapping tool – by MVG-V70

This thread by XDA user agentdr8 features a mod that allows you to remap the buttons on your Android Auto unit. This means you are able able to change when action is prompted while using hardware buttons. This can be very useful to launch specific apps by pressing a single button.

There are a lot more mods and hacks for Android Auto in 2020 check out over at the Android Auto forums.


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