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Dual Whatsapp: How to use dual WhatsApp in one smartphone

Most Android smartphones today feature dual-SIM support which allows users to use two different numbers on a single device. With two phone numbers in one smartphone, there’s a change that you would want to run two instaces of WhatsApp for both the phone numbers. Companies like Xiaomi, Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, Huawei and Honor now offer…

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30 Amazing Android SECRETS, TIPS and TRICKS

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How to Use Your Smartphone as a Keyboard for Your Smart TV

With more digital content than ever, the search feature on smart TVs is essential. But typing is such a terrible experience when you’re forced to use voice dictation or peck around with the remote control. Thankfully, there’s a better way.Most smart TVs support using your phone’s keyboard as an input method. This makes it so…

How to Use Your Smartphone as a Keyboard for Your Smart TV Read More »

30 Android Tricks And Hacks (+Android Hidden Settings) in 2021

Android is an open-source and one of the most used operating system in the smartphones. Stock Android also provides 2-year major updates including monthly security patches. However, many smartphones brand use their own custom UI (e.g. MIUI, OxygenOS, etc) over Android OS which adds a few more customization options & functionalities. Your Android phone contains so many…

30 Android Tricks And Hacks (+Android Hidden Settings) in 2021 Read More »

How to protect your privacy on a smartphone: 12 tips & tricks

Nowadays, privacy on your smartphone plays an increasingly important role in our daily life. Large tech companies want to know more about you. This mainly concerns personal information such as your name, age, and place of residence. These companies are also curious about where your interests lie. Companies such as Google or Facebook obtain this…

How to protect your privacy on a smartphone: 12 tips & tricks Read More »

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